I need help on writing a book report on anastasia absolutely

What instructions has your teacher given for writing a book report?

the setting where does the story take place, time period (present, future etc.), the main character(s), the plot-what happens to the main character

That sounds pretty clear.

How would you like us to help you with this report?

Of course! I can help you with writing a book report on "Anastasia Absolutely." To write a comprehensive book report, you'll need to follow a few steps:

1. Read the Book: The first step is to read the book thoroughly. Take notes while reading, focusing on the characters, plot, setting, and any significant themes or messages.

2. Introduction: Begin your book report with an introduction that includes the book's title, author, and a brief summary of the story. Also, mention why you chose this book and what you expected from it.

3. Summary: Provide a summary of the book's main events, without giving away too many spoilers. Explain the basic storyline, introducing the main character, Anastasia, and any other important characters or plot points.

4. Characters: Discuss the characters in detail. Analyze their motivations, actions, and relationships with each other. Talk about how Anastasia develops as a character throughout the book and whether other characters impact her growth.

5. Themes and Messages: Identify the significant themes or messages conveyed in the book. Themes could include friendship, family, identity, or any others you noticed. Explain how these themes are presented and supported in the story. Provide specific examples from the book to back up your points.

6. Writing Style and Tone: Comment on the author's writing style, whether it be descriptive, humorous, or engaging. Discuss how the author's writing style contributes to your overall enjoyment of the book.

7. Evaluation: Give your opinion about the book. Discuss what you liked or disliked and explain why. Mention any lessons or insights you gained from reading the book. Remember to be constructively critical, supporting your opinions with evidence from the text.

8. Conclusion: Finally, end your book report with a conclusion that summarizes your main points and overall thoughts about the book. Reflect back on your expectations and whether they were met. You can also recommend the book to a specific audience if you feel it would be suitable for them.

By following these steps, you should be able to write a comprehensive book report on "Anastasia Absolutely." Just remember to include your own thoughts and analysis while providing evidence from the book to support your claims. Good luck with your report!