In 1999, I went to Disney World for vacation.

What are the verbs in this sentence

There is only one verb. What did someone DO?


Correct! The verb in the sentence is "went".

To find the verbs in a sentence, you need to identify the action words or words that express an action or state of being. In the given sentence, the verbs are "went" and "to."

Here's an explanation of how to identify verbs in a sentence:
1. Look for words that indicate an action, such as "run," "jump," "eat," etc.
2. Identify words that describe a state of being, such as "is," "are," "were," etc.
3. Also, be on the lookout for words that indicate a change or an occurrence.

In the sentence, "went" is the main verb because it represents the action of going. "To" is a preposition that connects the verb "went" to the noun "Disney World." It functions as part of the prepositional phrase.

Remember to consider the context and the structure of the sentence when identifying verbs.