A car of mass 1200kg travelling @ 72 km/h is brought to rest in 4s.Find a) the average deceleration b)the average braking force

a) 72 km/h = 20 m/s

Deceleration = 20/4 = 5 m/s^2

b) Momentum change = Avg. Force * Time
Solve for the Average Force


A 5m\s B 6000

Deceleration =5m/s^2




To find the average deceleration, we can use the formula:

acceleration = (final velocity - initial velocity) / time

a) The car is brought to rest, so the final velocity is 0 km/h. However, we need to convert the initial velocity from km/h to m/s.

1 km/h is equivalent to 0.2778 m/s. Therefore, the initial velocity is (72 km/h) x (0.2778 m/s) = 20 m/s.

Plugging in the values into the formula, we get:

acceleration = (0 - 20 m/s) / 4 s = -5 m/s^2

The negative sign indicates that the car is decelerating.

b) To find the average braking force, we can use Newton's second law of motion:

force = mass x acceleration

The mass of the car is given as 1200 kg, and the average deceleration is -5 m/s^2 (negative because decelerating).

Plugging in the values into the formula, we get:

force = 1200 kg x (-5 m/s^2) = -6000 N

Again, the negative sign indicates that the force is in the opposite direction of motion, which signifies braking force.

a) Deceleration is -5

b) Average braking force -6000