If I could get some help on the adverbs and adjectives in the following paragraph I wrote.

I personally did not have any credit cards for a very long time. In the past I have had more then I needed and found them to just cause me problems. I was young and not very aware of the responsibilities needed to handle credit cards correctly. There are too many hidden costs, fees, and some of the interest rates are out of control. Currently I have only one credit card and it is only used for emergencies. It is a very low limit. So I cannot over spend like before. I would not recommend a credit card to any young adult. At least until they have a great sense of responsibility and a clear understanding of credit cards. I thought that I did, but I was wrong. It had taken me so long to pay back everything that I had owed plus the interest. Now when I get a new credit card offer I do not even look at it. It gets torn up and thrown right in the garbage.


This is a fair start.

Past is not an adverb in this sentence; it's a noun. In the first two sentences, you've missed these adverbs:
not, just
Can you find the other adverbs you missed in this paragraph?

In the first two sentences, you've missed these adjectives:
any, long
Can you find the other adjectives you missed in this paragraph?

If you're not sure about a word's part of speech, check a dictionary. Remember, though, that a word may be used as more than one part of speech. Study the definitions and examples to identify the use of the words.

If you could please check this for me?are these the remaining ones?

Adjectives: any, long, hidden, aware, young, understanding, clear

Adverbs: not, just, currently, when, personally, only


- Personally: modifies the verb "did not have", indicating that the statement is about the speaker's personal experience.
- Currently: modifies the verb "have", indicating that it is the current situation.
- Past: modifies the verb "had", indicating that it refers to a previous time frame.
- Correctly: modifies the verb "handle", indicating how the credit cards should be managed.
- Very: modifies the adjective "long", indicating the degree of time.

- One: describes the noun "credit card", specifying that there is only a single card.
- Credit: describes the noun "cards", indicating the type or purpose of the cards.