put in standard form:


To put the equation 4x^2 = 36 + 9y^2 in standard form, we need to rearrange the terms to have the variables on one side and the constant on the other side.

Step 1: Start by moving the constant term to the right side of the equation:
4x^2 - 9y^2 = 36

Step 2: We want the coefficient of x^2 to be positive, so we divide the entire equation by 4 to make it happen:
(4x^2 - 9y^2)/4 = 36/4

Simplifying this gives us:
x^2 - (9/4)y^2 = 9

Therefore, the equation 4x^2 = 36 + 9y^2 in standard form is:
x^2 - (9/4)y^2 = 9