A mini license plate for a toy car must consist of two numbers followed by a letter. Each number must be a 5, 7 or 9. Each letter must be a C, A or N. Repetition of digits is NOT permitted.

Use the counting principle to determine the number of points in the sample space.
Construct a tree diagram to represent this situation. List the sample space.
Determine the exact probability of creating a mini license plate with a 5. Give solution exactly in reduced fraction form.

I'm not sure what to do....

Hard to draw here

top row ***** 5 ***** 7 ***** 9*****
row 2 ******7***9***5***9***5****7
row 3 *****can can can can can can

so 3 * 6 = 18 possible

how many with 5 in first row? 3*2=6
How many with 5 in row 2? 3+3 = 6
so 12/18 have 5 in them
= 2/3