In a particular hospital, newborn babies were delivered yesterday. Here are their weights (in ounces): 99, 104, 106, 110, 111, 112

That's a busy ob unit.

Six babies is not that busy. However, what is your question?

If you are looking for the mean weight, add the values of the scores(weights) and divide that sum by the number of scores.

To find the average weight of the newborn babies, you need to find the sum of all the weights and then divide it by the number of babies.

In this case, you have the following weights:

99, 104, 106, 110, 111, 112.

To find the sum, you add up all these numbers:

99 + 104 + 106 + 110 + 111 + 112 = 642

Now, you have the sum of all the weights, which is 642. Since you have 6 babies, you divide the sum by 6 to find the average:

642 ÷ 6 = 107

Therefore, the average weight of the newborn babies is 107 ounces.