how to calculate the class average of millilitres of CO2 exhaled per minute?

Add the individual values and divide by the number of students in the class.

sum of milliliter of co2 / number of students X 1 minutes

To calculate the class average of milliliters of CO2 exhaled per minute, you will need the individual measurements of each student in the class. Follow these steps:

1. Collect data: Ask each student in the class to measure the amount of CO2 they exhale per minute using a CO2 sensor or a similar measuring device. Make sure everyone records their values in milliliters.

2. Compile the data: Gather all the recorded measurements and list them in a table or spreadsheet. Each row should represent a student, and each column should represent their corresponding CO2 measurement.

3. Calculate the sum: Add up all the CO2 measurements to get the total amount of CO2 exhaled by the class.

4. Find the number of students: Count the number of students in the class.

5. Calculate the average: Divide the total amount of CO2 exhaled by the class by the number of students. This will give you the class average.

Here's a mathematical representation of the calculation:

Class Average = Total CO2 exhaled / Number of students