A uniform metal rod, with a mass of 3.7 kg and a length of 1.2 m, is attached to a wall by a hinge at its base?

A horizontal wire bolted to the wall 0.51 m above the base of the rod holds the rod at an angle of 25 degrees above the horizontal. The wire is attached to the top of the rod. ( the tension in this case is 39 N ).
In the previous equation suppose the wire is shortened so that the rod now makes an angle of 35 with the horizontal. The wire is horizontal as before. Calculate the tension in the wire.

The tension will decrease but I just don't know how to explain it.. I took an example of 1.0m with 35 degree and I found tension 0.303 N.

To calculate the tension in the wire, we need to consider the forces acting on the metal rod.

In the first scenario, where the rod is at an angle of 25 degrees above the horizontal, we have the weight of the rod acting downward and the tension in the wire acting upward.

The weight of the rod can be calculated by multiplying the mass of the rod by the acceleration due to gravity (9.8 m/s^2). The formula for weight is W = m * g, where W is the weight, m is the mass, and g is the acceleration due to gravity.

So, the weight of the rod in the first scenario is W = 3.7 kg * 9.8 m/s^2 = 36.26 N.

Since the rod is in equilibrium, the tension in the wire is equal to the weight of the rod. Therefore, the tension in the wire in the first scenario is 36.26 N.

Now, let's consider the second scenario, where the rod makes an angle of 35 degrees with the horizontal. The wire is horizontal as before, which means the tension in the wire is still acting upward.

In this case, we need to resolve the weight of the rod into its components. The weight can be split into two components: one acting downward along the rod (vertical component) and the other perpendicular to the rod (horizontal component).

The vertical component of the weight is given by W_vertical = W * cos(theta), where W is the weight of the rod and theta is the angle between the vertical direction and the rod (35 degrees).

The horizontal component of the weight is given by W_horizontal = W * sin(theta), where W is the weight of the rod and theta is the angle between the vertical direction and the rod (35 degrees).

Substituting the weight of the rod obtained earlier, we have

W_vertical = 36.26 N * cos(35 degrees)
= 36.26 N * 0.819
= 29.71 N

W_horizontal = 36.26 N * sin(35 degrees)
= 36.26 N * 0.574
= 20.82 N

In this case, the tension in the wire must balance both the vertical and horizontal components of the weight of the rod.

The tension in the wire can be calculated as Tension = Tension_vertical + Tension_horizontal, where Tension is the tension in the wire.

Since the wire is horizontal, there is no vertical component to the tension, so Tension_vertical = 0.

Therefore, the tension in the wire in the second scenario is Tension = Tension_horizontal = 20.82 N.