Revise the following sentences to remove all pronoun errors.

41. When a police officer fires his gun, he must fill out a lot of paperwork.

42. When a teacher writes an exam, they think about what aspects of student learning they want to test.

42. Either "When teachers write an exam" OR When a teacher writes an exam, he/she thinks about what aspects of student learning h e/she wants to test.


When police officers fire their guns, they must fill out a lot of paper work.

You can also make teacher plural in the second sentence.

41. When police officers fire their guns, they must fill out a lot of paperwork.

To revise this sentence and remove the pronoun error, we need to replace the singular pronoun "his" with the plural pronoun "their." This change ensures that we are not assuming the gender of the police officer, as the original sentence does.

42. When teachers write exams, they think about what aspects of student learning they want to test.

To correct the pronoun error in this sentence, we need to change the pronoun "they" to a singular pronoun that matches the noun it refers to, which is "teacher." One option is to use the gender-neutral pronoun "they" as a singular pronoun. Alternatively, we can rewrite the sentence to avoid using pronouns altogether, which results in a clearer and more specific statement.