Which equation can be used to find the unknow ange measures?

The diagram is a triganle. A= x+30, B= 3x, and C = x-15

A 5x+15=90
B 5x+45-180
C 3x^3+15=180
D 5x+15=180
E 3x+30=180

Assuming A, B, and C are the angles, then

x+30 + 3x + x-15 = 180
5x + 15 = 180

To find the unknown angle measures in the triangle, we need to use the fact that the sum of the angles in a triangle is always 180 degrees.

In this case, we have three angles: A, B, and C. Angle A is given as x+30, angle B is given as 3x, and angle C is given as x-15.

To find x, we can set up an equation using the sum of the angles in a triangle:

A + B + C = 180

Substituting the given angle measures:

(x+30) + (3x) + (x-15) = 180

Now, we can solve this equation for x:

5x + 15 = 180

Simplifying the equation further:

5x = 180 - 15
5x = 165
x = 165 / 5
x = 33

Now that we have found the value of x, we can substitute it back into the angle measures to find their values:

Angle A = x + 30 = 33 + 30 = 63 degrees
Angle B = 3x = 3 * 33 = 99 degrees
Angle C = x - 15 = 33 - 15 = 18 degrees

Therefore, the correct equation to find the unknown angle measures is option D: 5x + 15 = 180.