given the linear equation y=7/6x+1, find the y-corrdinates of the points (-6,),(0,)and (6,). plot those points and graph the linear equation.

This question is practically the same as yours

For x= -6

y=(7/6)*(-6)+1= -7+1= -6

For x=0

y=(7/6)*0+1= 0+1=1

For x=6


For graph go on:

When page be open in blue rectangle type:


Then type:

Range x-axis from -10 to 10

Range y-axis from -10 to 10

and click option: Draw

To find the y-coordinates of the points (-6,), (0,), and (6,) on the linear equation y = 7/6x + 1, we simply substitute the x-values into the equation and solve for y.

1. For the point (-6,), substitute x = -6 into the equation:
y = 7/6(-6) + 1
y = -7/6 + 1
y = -7/6 + 6/6
y = -1/6

Therefore, the y-coordinate of the point (-6,) is -1/6.

2. For the point (0,), substitute x = 0 into the equation:
y = 7/6(0) + 1
y = 0 + 1
y = 1

Therefore, the y-coordinate of the point (0,) is 1.

3. For the point (6,), substitute x = 6 into the equation:
y = 7/6(6) + 1
y = 7/6 + 1
y = 7/6 + 6/6
y = 13/6

Therefore, the y-coordinate of the point (6,) is 13/6.

Next, plot these points (-6, -1/6), (0, 1), and (6, 13/6) on a Cartesian coordinate plane.

Finally, graph the linear equation y = 7/6x + 1 by connecting the three plotted points.