
multiply each term by 26

a - 143 + 52a = 18 + 40a + 8

now it is easy


To solve the equation a/26 - 5.5 + 2a = 9/13 + 20a/13 + 4/13, follow these steps:

Step 1: Simplify both sides of the equation, if possible.
We can start by simplifying the expression on the right side. Adding the fractions 9/13, 20a/13, and 4/13 gives us (9 + 20a + 4)/13.

Now, the equation becomes:
a/26 - 5.5 + 2a = (9 + 20a + 4)/13

Step 2: Get rid of the fractions.
Multiply both sides of the equation by 13 to eliminate the fractions:
13*(a/26) - 13*5.5 + 13*2a = 13*(9 + 20a + 4)/13

Simplifying each term:
(13/26)*a - 71.5 + 26a = 9 + 20a + 4

Step 3: Simplify and combine like terms.
Multiply 13/26 by a:
(1/2)*a - 71.5 + 26a = 9 + 20a + 4

Combine like terms on both sides:
(1/2)*a + 26a - 20a = 9 + 4 + 71.5

(1/2)*a + 6a = 84.5

(13/2)*a = 84.5

Step 4: Isolate the variable.
To solve for a, we can multiply both sides by 2/13 to cancel out the coefficient:
((2/13) * (13/2)) * a = (2/13) * 84.5

a = 168.5/13

Step 5: Find the approximate value of a.
Calculate the decimal value:
a ≈ 12.962

Therefore, the approximate value of a is 12.962.