What evidence do you see, in the book Dancing Skeletons, of a holistic study?

Look at all of the causes of death in Mali -- infections, mosquitoes, unclean water, and so on. This author has taken a holistic approach, considering all of the causes of death.


I forgot one of the biggest causes -- malnutrition.

To find evidence of a holistic study in the book "Dancing Skeletons," we first need to understand what a holistic study is. Holistic study looks at a subject or phenomenon in a comprehensive way, taking into account multiple factors and perspectives.

To find evidence of a holistic study in the book, you can follow these steps:

1. Read the book: Start by reading the book "Dancing Skeletons" by Catherine Dettwyler. Take notes and pay attention to how different aspects of the subject are explored.

2. Identify multiple perspectives: Look for instances where the author considers different perspectives or factors related to the subject. This can include cultural, social, economic, and political factors, among others.

3. Consider systems thinking: Look for evidence that suggests the author is looking at the subject as a complex system rather than isolating individual elements. This would involve analyzing how different elements interact and influence each other.

4. Look for interdisciplinary approaches: See if the author integrates knowledge and insights from different disciplines to gain a comprehensive understanding of the subject. This could include drawing from anthropology, public health, sociology, and other relevant fields.

5. Assess the depth of analysis: Evaluate the depth and scope of the author's analysis. Determine if the author goes beyond surface-level understandings and delves into the complexities of the subject.

By following these steps and analyzing the book, you can find evidence of a holistic study in "Dancing Skeletons." Remember to consider how the author examines different perspectives, incorporates systems thinking, and adopts interdisciplinary approaches to gain a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter.