can please someone check my answer.

which 2 statements are true
A)Morse code, Huffman coding and run-length encoding are all examples
of lossy compression.
B)Lossless compression uses perceptual compression techniques to
ensure that all the data can be recovered during the decompression
C)At sounds with frequencies below 100 Hz, the human ear cannot
recognise stereo information.
D)The primary function of audio compression is to reduce the amount of
memory required for a sound sample.
E)When the output of non-destructive editing is not stored, each sample
must be processed within the sample period.
F)The process of normalisation makes a sound sample less resistant to
the effects of interference at a later stage of processing.

my answer is C and F.However D looks pretty close.

To check your answer, let's go through each statement and determine if it is true:

A) Morse code, Huffman coding, and run-length encoding are all examples of lossy compression.
This statement is false. Morse code, Huffman coding, and run-length encoding are all examples of lossless compression, not lossy compression.

B) Lossless compression uses perceptual compression techniques to ensure that all the data can be recovered during the decompression process.
This statement is false. Lossless compression does not use perceptual compression techniques. It ensures that all the data can be recovered, but it does not rely on perceptual techniques.

C) At sounds with frequencies below 100 Hz, the human ear cannot recognize stereo information.
This statement is true. The human ear is not able to perceive stereo information at frequencies below 100 Hz.

D) The primary function of audio compression is to reduce the amount of memory required for a sound sample.
This statement is false. While reducing memory requirements is one of the benefits of audio compression, the primary function is to reduce the file size of audio data while maintaining its quality.

E) When the output of non-destructive editing is not stored, each sample must be processed within the sample period.
This statement is false. Non-destructive editing allows for processing without permanently altering the original data, so it doesn't require each sample to be processed within the sample period if the output is not stored.

F) The process of normalization makes a sound sample less resistant to the effects of interference at a later stage of processing.
This statement is true. Normalization adjusts the amplitude of a sound sample, making it less susceptible to distortion and interference during subsequent processing.

Based on this analysis, your answer of C and F is correct.