Engage in some Internet-based research on the relationships between the technical production aspects of film and television. What specific visual film techniques do you see utilized in contemporary television

218 is one of the the strangest names for a school subject I've seen.

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Sorry about that

the relationships between the technical production aspects of film and television. What specific visual film techniques do you see utilized in contemporary television?

I suspect you're taking this class from Ashford "University." But what does CGD stand for?

What internet-based research have you done?

CGD 218 Visual Literacy in Business Communication -- is this the course you're taking?

Ms. Sue asked what internet-based research you have already done. Until you let people here know this, no one can help you. When Ms. Sue asked how you'd like us to help you, all you did was to repost the assignment -- which is not helpful. Those are not YOUR questions.

So ... if you truly want help (and don't expect anyone here to do your work for you), please answer Ms. Sue's questions.

I have a question for Mrs. Sue. When you used quotations around University when describing Ashford were you trying to suggest something? I am about to finish my accounting degree there and have often wondered if I will fin discrimination because of the stigma that is associated with it.

To research the relationships between the technical production aspects of film and television, and the specific visual film techniques used in contemporary television, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by searching for credible sources of information. Online databases, industry publications, and academic journals can provide valuable insights into the topic. You can use search engines like Google Scholar, JSTOR, or databases specific to film and television studies.

2. Look for articles or research papers discussing the technical production aspects of film and television, with a focus on contemporary television. Pay attention to keywords such as visual techniques, cinematography, production design, editing, and special effects.

3. Read the abstracts, introductions, and conclusions of the articles to get an overview of what they cover. This will help you decide which sources are most relevant to your research question.

4. Choose a few articles or papers that seem the most promising and read them thoroughly. Take notes on the specific visual film techniques mentioned within the context of contemporary television. Look for examples and case studies where these techniques have been utilized.

5. Pay attention to common visual film techniques used in contemporary television. Some examples include:

- Cinematic framing: The use of carefully composed shots, framing, and aspect ratios to create visually appealing and cinematic visuals.

- Camera movements: Techniques such as tracking shots, crane shots, or handheld camera movements to add dynamism and energy to the visuals.

- Lighting: Strategic use of lighting, both natural and artificial, to establish mood, highlight key elements, or create dramatic effects.

- Visual effects: The integration of computer-generated imagery (CGI), digital effects, or practical effects to enhance the visuals or create impossible scenarios.

- Color grading: The manipulation of colors through post-production processes to establish a specific atmosphere or visual style.

- Production design: The deliberate selection and arrangement of props, sets, and locations to create a cohesive visual world that enhances the narrative.

- Editing techniques: The use of different editing styles, such as quick cuts, montages, or split screens, to create rhythmic and visual storytelling.

6. Take note of any examples or case studies discussed in the articles that highlight the mentioned techniques. Examine how these techniques contribute to the aesthetic and storytelling aspects of contemporary television.

By following these steps, you should be able to engage in Internet-based research and find specific visual film techniques utilized in contemporary television. Remember to cite your sources and critically evaluate the information you gather to ensure its reliability and relevance.