Pablo has scored 64, 77, and 82 on his previous three tests. What score does he need on his next test so that his average (mean) is 79?

400 * 0.79 = 316

64 + 77 + 82 = 223

316 - 223 = 93

Kira has scored 61, 80, and 88 on her previous three tests. What score does she need on her next test so that her average (mean) is 77?

To find out what score Pablo needs on his next test so that his average is 79, we need to determine the sum of his scores on all four tests.

The average is calculated by dividing the sum of all the scores by the number of scores. In this case, we want the average to be 79.

Let's work on finding the sum of his scores on all four tests:

Sum of the first three test scores: 64 + 77 + 82 = 223

To find out what score Pablo needs on his next test, we can subtract the sum of the first three test scores from the desired average multiplied by 4 (the total number of tests):

Score required on the next test = (Desired average * Total number of tests) - Sum of the first three test scores
= (79 * 4) - 223
= 316 - 223
= 93

Therefore, Pablo needs to score 93 on his next test so that his average is 79.