A pie chart needs to be drawn to show the percentage of total marks obtained by students. suppose 8%of studentss got 90% and above ; 52% got 75%to805 ; and 30% got 60% to 75%and remaing otained below 60%mark. no one failed .write an algorithm to drraw the pie chart and the segments of the pie chart with different colours.


To draw a pie chart showing the percentage of total marks obtained by students, you can use the following algorithm:

1. Initialize the values for each segment of the pie chart based on the given information. Let's assume the total number of students is 100, so 8 students (8% of 100) got 90% and above, 52 students (52% of 100) got 75% to 80%, and 30 students (30% of 100) got 60% to 75%. The remaining students obtained below 60% marks.

2. Calculate the angle for each segment of the pie chart. Since a full circle is 360 degrees, the angle for each segment can be calculated as follows:
- For the first segment (90% and above): angle = (percentage / 100) * 360
- For the second segment (75% to 80%): angle = (percentage / 100) * 360
- For the third segment (60% to 75%): angle = (percentage / 100) * 360
- For the remaining segment (below 60%): angle = 360 - (sum of angles for other segments)

3. Assign different colors to each segment of the pie chart. You can choose any set of colors that visually represent the different segments well. For example, you can use shades of green for higher percentages and shades of red for lower percentages.

4. Draw the pie chart using the calculated angles and assigned colors for each segment. You can use any programming language or software that supports chart or graph creation. Here's a simple pseudocode example:

- Initialize an empty list to store the percentages and colors of each segment.
- Add the percentage and color for each segment to the list.
- Use a pie chart function/library to plot the percentages with the assigned colors.

Example code in python using matplotlib library:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

segments = [8, 52, 30, 10] # Percentages for each segment
colors = ['#00FF00', '#00AA00', '#008000', '#FF0000'] # Colors for each segment

plt.pie(segments, labels=['90% and above', '75% to 80%', '60% to 75%', 'Below 60%'], colors=colors)
plt.axis('equal') # To make the pie chart a perfect circle

This code will draw a pie chart with four segments, each representing the percentage of students falling into a particular marks range. The segments will be colored according to the assigned colors.