xsquared-4y squared when x=-16 y=17

I'm assuming your problem is this:

x^2 - 4y^2

Note: ^2 = squared

If you need to evaluate this expression, substitute -16 for x and 17 for y. Complete the calculations.

I hope this helps and is what you were asking.

To find the value of xsquared - 4y squared when x = -16 and y = 17, you need to substitute these values into the expression and perform the calculation.

Step 1: Replace x with -16 and y with 17 in the expression.

xsquared - 4y squared = (-16) squared - 4(17) squared

Step 2: Simplify the expression inside the parentheses.

(-16) squared = (-16)^2 = 256

(17) squared = (17)^2 = 289

Step 3: Perform the calculation using the simplified values.

xsquared - 4y squared = 256 - 4(289)

Step 4: Simplify the multiplication.

4(289) = 1156

Step 5: Perform the subtraction.

256 - 1156 = -900

Final Answer: xsquared - 4y squared, when x = -16 and y = 17, is equal to -900.