explain what will happen to a sugar cube when it is placed in a glass of water.

It will dissolve.


This is because adhesive forces between the water molecules and the sugar molecules, along with cohesion with- in the liquid, allowed the water to move up the sugar cube tower against gravity. This process is called capillary action

When a sugar cube is placed in a glass of water, several things will happen due to the process of diffusion. Here's a step-by-step explanation of what occurs:

1. Dissolution: As soon as the sugar cube makes contact with the water, the water molecules begin to interact with the sugar molecules on the surface of the cube. These interactions cause the sugar molecules to detach from the cube and enter the surrounding water.

2. Diffusion: Once the sugar molecules are in the water, they now have the freedom to move randomly. Through a process called diffusion, the sugar molecules will spread out from areas of high concentration (close to the cube) to areas of low concentration (the rest of the glass). This occurs because particles tend to move from areas of high concentration to areas of low concentration in order to achieve equilibrium.

3. Mixing: As diffusion continues, the sugar molecules will mix and disperse throughout the water, creating a more uniform distribution. This mixing process happens because the water molecules are constantly in motion, colliding with and spreading apart the sugar molecules.

4. Saturation: Eventually, the water will reach a point where it can no longer dissolve any more sugar molecules. This is known as saturation. At this point, the sugar cube will have completely dissolved, and no more sugar molecules can be dissolved in the water.

Overall, placing a sugar cube in water will result in the cube dissolving and the sugar molecules spreading throughout the water.