Could you please check these few statements about the deportation/transportation of the Jews to concentration camps, please?

1) When did the persecution of the Jews (the Jewish people') begin?
It began on April 1, 1993 when the Nazis organized a boycott of all Jewish-run businesses.
2) When were the Nuremberg Laws issue and what did they state?
They were issued in September 1935 and they excluded Jews from public life.
3) In particular, they contained a law which stripped German Jews of their citizenship and another law, which prohibited marriages and extramarital sex between Germans and Jews. Some of the laws banned Jews from civil service jobs.
4)Jewish doctors were prevented from working on anyone other than Jewish patients.
5)During the night of ninth and tenth of November 1938 Nazis organized a pogrom against Jews in Austria and Germany which became known as the night of the broken glass.
6)The Nazis started pillaging and burning synagogues, breaking windows of Jewish-owned shops and looting them.
Approximately 30,000 Jews were arrested and sent to concentration camps.
7) After the beginning of World War Two Nazis began ordering Jews to wear a yellow Star of David on the clothing so that they could be easily recognized and targeted.

Check for commas that are needed and the spelling of a few words.

Let's fact-check the statements you provided:

1) The persecution of Jews did not begin on April 1, 1993. This date is incorrect. The persecution of Jews started much earlier, with early signs of discrimination appearing from the 1930s. However, the systematic persecution and deportation of Jews occurred during the Holocaust, from 1941 to 1945.

2) The Nuremberg Laws were indeed issued in September 1935. These laws aimed to institutionalize racial discrimination and anti-Semitism in Nazi Germany. They prohibited marriage and extramarital relationships between Jews and non-Jews, and also stripped German Jews of their citizenship.

3) Yes, the Nuremberg Laws did contain a law that revoked German Jews' citizenship and another law that prohibited marriage and sex between Germans and Jews. Additionally, Jews were largely excluded from civil service jobs and positions.

4) It is correct that Jewish doctors were restricted and prevented from treating non-Jewish patients during the Nazi regime. They faced severe professional limitations and prohibitions based on their ethnicity.

5) The statement about the night of November 9-10, 1938, known as Kristallnacht (Night of Broken Glass), is accurate. It was a major violent anti-Jewish pogrom organized by the Nazis in Germany and Austria. Synagogues were set on fire, Jewish-owned shops were destroyed, and Jewish people were targeted and attacked.

6) During Kristallnacht, there were widespread acts of violence, including the pillaging and destruction of synagogues, the smashing of windows in Jewish-owned shops, and looting. Additionally, thousands of Jewish men were arrested and sent to concentration camps, marking a significant escalation of the persecution.

7) The Nazis did indeed order Jews to wear a yellow Star of David on their clothing as a means of identification. This requirement was implemented in many parts of German-occupied Europe and served as a visible symbol of their persecution and targeted discrimination.

It's important to understand the historical context and facts surrounding these events to accurately remember and discuss them.