A 4100 kg helicopter accelerates upward at 2.44 m/s^2. The acceleration of gravity is 9.8 m/s^2. What lift force is exerted by the air on the propellars? Answer in N.

I wasn't sure which way to approach this problem, so i tried it two different ways:

A. 2.44(4100)= 10,004 N
B. 2.44(9.8)=23.912
4100(23.912)=98,072 N

a + g = 2.44m/s^2,

a + (-9.8) = 2.44,
a = 2.44 + 9.8 = 12.24m/s^2.

F = ma = 4100 * 12.24 = 50,184N.

thankyou so much!

To find the lift force exerted by the air on the propellers, we need to consider the net force acting on the helicopter.

First, let's calculate the weight of the helicopter. Weight is given by the formula W = m * g, where m is the mass and g is the acceleration due to gravity.

Weight of the helicopter = 4100 kg * 9.8 m/s^2 = 40,180 N

Next, let's calculate the net force acting on the helicopter. The net force is given by the formula F_net = m * a, where m is the mass and a is the acceleration.

Net force on the helicopter = 4100 kg * 2.44 m/s^2 = 10,004 N

Since the helicopter is accelerating upward, the lift force must be greater than the weight of the helicopter. Thus, the lift force is equal to the sum of the weight and the net force.

Lift force = Weight + Net force = 40,180 N + 10,004 N = 50,184 N

Therefore, the lift force exerted by the air on the propellers is 50,184 N.