Give one theme or message from “A Modest Proposal

One theme or message from Jonathan Swift's "A Modest Proposal" is the satirical critique of social and economic inequality.

To understand this theme, it is important to read the essay and analyze the text. "A Modest Proposal" is a satirical work written in 1729 by Jonathan Swift, an Irish writer. In this essay, Swift presents a solution to poverty and famine in Ireland by suggesting that poor Irish families should sell their children as food for the wealthy. While the proposal is shocking and outrageous, it highlights the extreme social and economic disparities present in Ireland at the time.

To identify the theme of social and economic inequality, the reader needs to analyze the satirical nature of Swift's proposal. By suggesting such an inhumane and absurd idea, Swift is drawing attention to the harsh reality of poverty and wealth disparity in Ireland. He uses irony and exaggeration to criticize the indifference of the ruling class towards the suffering of the poor.

By studying the social and historical context of Ireland in the 18th century, the reader can gain a deeper understanding of the theme. Swift was deeply concerned about the Irish people's plight, particularly during the Great Famine. His intention with "A Modest Proposal" was to expose the inaction of the British government and provoke discussions on the unequal distribution of wealth and resources.

To summarize, one theme or message from "A Modest Proposal" is the satirical critique of social and economic inequality. By shocking his readers with a seemingly outrageous solution to poverty, Swift aims to draw attention to the harsh reality faced by the poor in Ireland and critique the indifference of the ruling class towards their suffering.