I am totally confused, need to come up with the Arrival Time of P Wave, S Wave Love Wave and Rayleigh Wave and distance from epicenter for LA and Austin when I am only supplied with the following info for Urbana:

3400 miles from Epicenter
P Wave arrive 05:44:00
S wave arrive 05:48:45
Love Wave arrive 05:50:20
Rayleigh Wave arrive 05:51:20

Any help just putting me on the right path would be appreciated.

To determine the arrival time and distance for LA and Austin, we need to calculate the time difference between the seismic waves' arrivals at Urbana and the travel time from the epicenter to each location.

1. Calculate the time difference:
- Subtract the arrival time of the P wave at Urbana (05:44:00) from the arrival times of other waves:
- S wave: 05:48:45 - 05:44:00 = 00:04:45
- Love Wave: 05:50:20 - 05:44:00 = 00:06:20
- Rayleigh Wave: 05:51:20 - 05:44:00 = 00:07:20

2. Calculate the distance from the epicenter to Urbana:
- The distance to Urbana is given as 3400 miles. This will be the reference value to calculate the distances to LA and Austin.

3. Calculate the time taken by seismic waves to travel 3400 miles:
- To find the time taken for seismic waves to travel 3400 miles, we need to determine their velocities.
- The velocity of P waves is approximately 8 kilometers per second, while that of S waves is around 4.8 kilometers per second.
- To convert miles to kilometers, multiply the miles by a conversion factor of 1.60934 (1 mile = 1.60934 kilometers).
- The time taken by P waves: 3400 miles * (1.60934 km/mi) / (8 km/s) = 680 seconds (or 00:11:20)
- The time taken by S waves: 3400 miles * (1.60934 km/mi) / (4.8 km/s) = 1,133.33 seconds (or 00:18:53.33)

4. Calculate the distance and arrival time for LA:
- Subtract the time taken by each wave to travel from the epicenter to Urbana from the respective time differences.
- For P wave: 00:11:20 - 00:04:45 = 00:06:35 (travel time)
- For S wave: 00:18:53.33 - 00:04:45 = 00:14:08.33 (travel time)
- Multiply the respective travel times by the velocity of the corresponding wave to determine the distances.
- Distance from the epicenter to LA for P wave: 00:06:35 * 8 km/s = 52.8 kilometers (or 32.81 miles)
- Distance from the epicenter to LA for S wave: 00:14:08.33 * 4.8 km/s = 67.87 kilometers (or 42.18 miles)
- Convert the distances from kilometers to miles using the conversion factor of 0.621371 (1 kilometer = 0.621371 miles).

5. Calculate the distance and arrival time for Austin:
- Follow a similar process as for LA, using the respective travel times for P and S waves.
- Distance from the epicenter to Austin for P wave: 00:06:35 * 8 km/s = 52.8 kilometers (or 32.81 miles)
- Distance from the epicenter to Austin for S wave: 00:14:08.33 * 4.8 km/s = 67.87 kilometers (or 42.18 miles)

Note: The Love Wave and Rayleigh Wave related calculations are not necessary for determining the distances.

By following these steps, you should be able to calculate the distances from the epicenter to LA and Austin, as well as the corresponding arrival times for the P and S waves.