line segment AB and XY are congruent. if AB=5N-8 and XY= 2n+19 what is the legth of AB?


To find the length of line segment AB, we need to equate the expressions for AB and XY.

Given that AB = 5N - 8 and XY = 2N + 19, we can set up the equation:

5N - 8 = 2N + 19

To solve this equation, we want to isolate the variable N. Here are the steps:

1. Start by moving the terms involving N to one side of the equation. We can do this by subtracting 2N from both sides:

5N - 2N - 8 = 2N - 2N + 19

Simplifying, we get:

3N - 8 = 19

2. Next, isolate the term with N by adding 8 to both sides of the equation:

3N - 8 + 8 = 19 + 8

Simplifying further:

3N = 27

3. Finally, divide both sides of the equation by 3 to solve for N:

3N/3 = 27/3

N = 9

Now that we have found the value of N, we can substitute it back into the expression for AB to find its length:

AB = 5N - 8
AB = 5(9) - 8
AB = 45 - 8
AB = 37

Therefore, the length of line segment AB is 37 units.


solver for N first, then solve for AB