provide explanation for human variation around the globe why we look and act differently from one another and what factors contribute it

Human variation around the globe, including differences in physical appearance and behavior, is influenced by a combination of factors. These factors can be broadly categorized as genetic, environmental, and cultural.

1. Genetic Factors: Human beings have a common ancestry, but over thousands of years, various genetic mutations, genetic drift, and natural selection have contributed to the development of different traits. Genetic variation arises from differences in genes, which are inherited from our parents. These genetic variations can influence our physical characteristics such as skin color, eye shape, hair texture, and body structure.

2. Environmental Factors: The environment plays a significant role in shaping human variation. Various environmental factors, including climate, geography, and diet, can influence the way humans look and act. For instance, individuals living in regions with intense sunlight tend to have darker skin tones to provide protection against harmful UV radiation. Similarly, people living in high-altitude areas have adapted to lower oxygen levels by developing larger lung capacities.

3. Cultural Factors: Cultural practices and societal norms also contribute to human variation. Cultural factors encompass language, customs, traditions, and social behaviors. They can influence our dress, hairstyles, body adornment, and even physical activities. Cultural practices may also impact our genetic diversity through patterns of mating preferences and social norms related to reproduction.

It's important to note that human variation is a complex interplay of multiple factors. It is not simply limited to genetics or environment but is also influenced by the intricate interactions between these factors over generations. Understanding human variation helps us appreciate the richness and diversity of our species, and also highlights the shared humanity that binds us all together.