calculate the weight of carbon momoxide having same number of O2 atoms as are present in 22g of carbon dioxide


Molecular weight= 44u
N= no. of molecules
NA= Avogadro no.

N/NA=w(gram)/molecular weight
N=3.011×10^23 molecules

No. of oxygen atoms in CO2=3.011×10^23×2
=6.022×10^23 atoms

No. of oxygen atoms in CO2=no. of CO molecules=
6.022 ×10^23 atoms

Molecular weight=28u
No. of molecules=6.022×10^23
NA =Avogadro no.=6.022×10^23

W(gram)/molecular weight=no. of molecules/ NA
W(gram) /28=6.022×10^23/6.022×10^23
=28 grams


This type of solution gives me a lot of help I searched this question at many sites but this is the most easiest

Thanks it helped me

Yes I understand this method

I understand very clearly

To calculate the weight of carbon monoxide that has the same number of O2 atoms as are present in 22g of carbon dioxide, we need to determine the molar ratios of carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide.

First, let's find the molar mass of carbon dioxide (CO2):

C = 12.01 g/mol
O = 16.00 g/mol (2 oxygen atoms in CO2)

Molar mass of CO2 = C + 2O = 12.01 + (16.00 × 2) = 44.01 g/mol

Next, we determine the number of moles of CO2 in 22g. We can use the equation:

moles = mass / molar mass

moles of CO2 = 22g / 44.01 g/mol = 0.499 mol

Since carbon dioxide has two oxygen atoms, the number of O2 molecules present in 0.499 mol of CO2 is 0.499 mol × 2 = 0.998 mol.

Now, let's find the molar mass of carbon monoxide (CO):

C = 12.01 g/mol
O = 16.00 g/mol (1 oxygen atom in CO)

Molar mass of CO = C + O = 12.01 + 16.00 = 28.01 g/mol

To calculate the weight of carbon monoxide, we can multiply the number of moles of O2 (0.998 mol) by the molar mass of CO (28.01 g/mol):

weight of CO = moles of O2 × molar mass of CO
= 0.998 mol × 28.01 g/mol
= 27.98 g

Therefore, the weight of carbon monoxide with the same number of O2 atoms as are present in 22g of carbon dioxide is approximately 27.98 grams.

Explained very properly!!!!Thank you

Yes it is good

I assume O2 is an abbreviation for oxygen and you DON'T mean O2 atoms.

22 g CO2 = 22/molar mass = 22/44 = 0.50 mole CO2. Since 1 mole CO2 contains 6.022E23 molecules of CO2, 0.50 mole will contain just half that number of CO2 molecules(3.011E23) and that number of atoms(6.022E23).
So 1 mole CO should contain the same number of oxygen atoms.
1 mole CO (28 grams) contains 6.02E23 molecules and 6.022E23 atoms oxygen.