There are three seating categories at a stadium. For a softball game, Class A

# seats cost $15, Class B cost $12. and Class C seats cost $9. Design a modular
# program that asks how many tickets for each class of seats were sold, and then
# displays the amount of income generated from ticket sales.

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Here's a pseudocode that could help you:

Input: number of tickets sold in each category.
Output: total revenue generated
Class A seats cost $15=A,
Class B cost $12.=B
Class C seats cost $9.=C
a <- Enter # of seats sold for class A
b <- ....
c <- ...
total<- A*a+B*b+C*c
output total

To design a modular program that calculates the amount of income generated from ticket sales, follow these steps:

1. Define three variables to store the number of tickets sold for each seating category: classA, classB, and classC. Initialize all variables to 0.

2. Display a prompt asking the user for the number of tickets sold for Class A seats. Read the input and store it in the classA variable.

3. Display a prompt asking the user for the number of tickets sold for Class B seats. Read the input and store it in the classB variable.

4. Display a prompt asking the user for the number of tickets sold for Class C seats. Read the input and store it in the classC variable.

5. Calculate the total income generated from ticket sales by multiplying the number of tickets sold in each category by the corresponding seat cost:

totalIncome = (classA * 15) + (classB * 12) + (classC * 9)

6. Display the total income generated by printing the value of the totalIncome variable.

Here's a Python implementation of the above steps:

classA = 0
classB = 0
classC = 0

classA = int(input("Enter the number of tickets sold for Class A seats: "))
classB = int(input("Enter the number of tickets sold for Class B seats: "))
classC = int(input("Enter the number of tickets sold for Class C seats: "))

totalIncome = (classA * 15) + (classB * 12) + (classC * 9)
print("Total income generated from ticket sales: $", totalIncome)

You can customize the code according to your programming language of choice.

To design a modular program that calculates the income generated from ticket sales for a softball game, you can follow these steps:

1. Define three constants to represent the prices of each seating class:
- `CLASS_A_PRICE = 15`
- `CLASS_B_PRICE = 12`

2. Define three variables to store the number of tickets sold for each seating class:
- `class_a_tickets`
- `class_b_tickets`
- `class_c_tickets`

3. Prompt the user to enter the number of tickets sold for each seating class using appropriate input statements.

4. Calculate the income generated from ticket sales for each seating class by multiplying the number of tickets sold by the respective seating class price.

5. Calculate the total income generated by adding the income from each seating class.

6. Display the total income generated from ticket sales using an output statement.

Here's how the program would look like in Python:

# Step 1: Define constants for ticket prices

# Step 2: Get the number of tickets sold for each class
class_a_tickets = int(input("Enter the number of Class A tickets sold: "))
class_b_tickets = int(input("Enter the number of Class B tickets sold: "))
class_c_tickets = int(input("Enter the number of Class C tickets sold: "))

# Step 4: Calculate income from ticket sales for each class
class_a_income = class_a_tickets * CLASS_A_PRICE
class_b_income = class_b_tickets * CLASS_B_PRICE
class_c_income = class_c_tickets * CLASS_C_PRICE

# Step 5: Calculate total income generated
total_income = class_a_income + class_b_income + class_c_income

# Step 6: Display the total income generated
print("The total income generated from ticket sales is $", total_income)

By following these steps, the program will prompt the user to enter the number of tickets sold for each seating class and then display the total income generated from ticket sales.