Hi - I am back -

Question: Determine if the correct or incorrect terms of punctuation.

1. The patient had a difficult time recovering the wound's dressing.


I don't think there needs to be an apostrophe.

I went to the above link.

wound is in regard to the dressing -

so it would be possessive.

Answer: keep the apostrophe.

Good Girl!


To determine if the punctuation in the sentence is correct or incorrect, let's analyze it step by step.

The sentence is: "The patient had a difficult time recovering the wound's dressing."

In this sentence, we have the phrase "the wound's dressing." To determine if the punctuation in this phrase is correct, we need to consider the use of the apostrophe.

The use of an apostrophe indicates possession or ownership. In this case, the question is whether the wound possesses or owns the dressing. If it does, then the sentence is correct.

To confirm this, we can ask ourselves: Does the wound possess or own the dressing? No, it does not. Instead, the dressing belongs to the wound.

Therefore, the correct way to express this would be: "The patient had a difficult time recovering the wound dressing."

Based on this analysis, the correct term of punctuation for the given sentence is: incorrect.

So your intuition was correct, there should not be an apostrophe in this case.