Mr lol bought x oranges for $30 and sold them at a profit of 5cents per orange. Write down the (i)cost price of an orange.

(ii)the selling price of an orange

When he had sold all except 20 of the oranges, he found he had received $28.
(iii) form an equation in x and show that it simplifies to xsquare + 20x -12000= 0

Click6, I can give you an intuitive answer but not a mathematical one.

My intuitive answer is there are 100 oranges bought in this problem. Thus each orange cost .30 or 100*.30=$30 The sellng price per orange is .35 or 5 cents more than the cost. 80 sold oranges times .35 equals $28 which fits with the stated parameters of your problem.

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To find the cost price of an orange, we can divide the total amount spent on oranges ($30) by the total number of oranges purchased (x).

(i) Cost price of an orange = Total amount spent / Total number of oranges
= $30 / x

To find the selling price of an orange, we need to add the profit per orange (5 cents) to the cost price.

(ii) Selling price of an orange = Cost price + Profit
= $30 / x + $0.05

When Mr. Lol sold all except 20 of the oranges, he received $28. This means that the selling price of x - 20 oranges is $28.

(iii) Equation: (x - 20) * (Selling price of an orange) = $28
(x - 20) * ($30 / x + $0.05) = $28

Now, let's simplify the equation:
(x - 20) * ($30 / x + $0.05) = $28
Multiply both sides by x to remove the denominator:
(x - 20) * $30 + (x - 20) * $0.05 = $28 * x
$30x - $600 + $0.05x - $1 = $28x
$30x + $0.05x - $28x = $600 + $1
$2.05x - $28x = $601
$2.05x - $28x = $601
-$25.95x = $601
Divide both sides by -$25.95 to isolate x:
x = $601 / -$25.95

Hence, the equation simplifies to xsquare + 20x - 12000 = 0.