Choose the one word or phrase that best completes the sentence.

1.I bought these shoes in the sales.They were a real____.
a.bargain b.economy d.purchase e.barter
2.All questions must be answered____ and you must sign at the bottom where indicated.
a.truth b.honest c.truthful d.truthfully e.honestly
I think correct answers are 1c,2e.Is it right?

In #1, the word "a" before "real ____" lets you know that a noun is expected here. "c" is an adjective.

For #2, see #2 here:

To determine the correct answers to the questions, we need to analyze the given sentences and identify the word or phrase that best completes each sentence.

1. "I bought these shoes in the sales. They were a real ____."
To complete the sentence, we need a word that suggests that the shoes were inexpensive or cost-effective. The word "cheap" accurately conveys this meaning, making option C, "cheap," the most appropriate choice.

2. "All questions must be answered ____ and you must sign at the bottom where indicated."
Here, we are looking for a word that describes the manner in which the questions should be answered. The word "honestly" fits this context, indicating that the answers should be sincere and truthful. Therefore, option E, "honestly," is the correct choice.

Based on the analysis above, your answers of 1c and 2e are correct. Well done!