you start a pet sitting service. you spend $35 on advertising. You plan to change $5 on a day to watch each pet. a) write an equation to relate your daily income y to the number of pets x you watch. b) how many days do you need to watch a pet to pay for advertising?

daily income=5*P - 35


daily income=5*P or

total income= Numberdays*5*P for one pet, and total income of 35, you need to
have number days 7

a) To write an equation that relates your daily income, y, to the number of pets, x, you watch, we need to consider that you charge $5 per day per pet.

For each pet, you earn $5 per day. So, the equation to relate your daily income to the number of pets you watch is:

y = 5x

b) To determine how many days you need to watch a pet to pay for advertising, we need to set up an equation and find the value of x.

The total cost of advertising is $35, and you charge $5 per day per pet. So, you need to earn at least $35 to cover the advertising cost.

Setting up an equation:

Total earnings = Advertising cost

5x = 35

To find how many days you need to watch a pet to pay for advertising, we solve for x:

5x = 35
x = 35/5
x = 7

Therefore, you need to watch a pet for a minimum of 7 days to earn enough to pay for the advertising cost.