a boy 4 ft tall casts a shadow 6 ft long. he stands next to a monument that has a 52 ft long shadow. how tall is the monument?

Cross multiply and solve this equation for x.

4/6 = x/52


To find the height of the monument, we can set up a proportion using the heights and shadows:

Height of the boy / Length of the boy's shadow = Height of the monument / Length of the monument's shadow

Let's plug in the given values:

4 ft / 6 ft = Height of the monument / 52 ft

To solve for the height of the monument, we can cross multiply:

(4 ft) * (52 ft) = (6 ft) * (Height of the monument)

208 ft = 6 ft * (Height of the monument)

Now, divide both sides of the equation by 6 ft to solve for the height of the monument:

208 ft / 6 ft = Height of the monument

The height of the monument is approximately 34.67 ft.

To determine the height of the monument, we can use a proportion comparing the height of the boy to the length of his shadow, and then use the same proportion to find the height of the monument based on its shadow length.

Let's set up the proportion:

Height of the boy / Length of the boy's shadow = Height of the monument / Length of the monument's shadow

Substituting the given values:
4 ft (boy's height) / 6 ft (boy's shadow length) = Height of the monument / 52 ft (monument's shadow length)

To solve for the height of the monument, we can cross-multiply and then divide:

(4 ft * 52 ft) / 6 ft = Height of the monument

Now, let's calculate it:
(4 ft * 52 ft) / 6 ft = 208 ft / 6 ft = 34.67 ft

Therefore, the height of the monument is approximately 34.67 feet.