Input a list of positive numbers (terminated by 0) into an array, find the mean (average) of the numbers in the array, and output the result. Use a subprogram to input the numbers, a function to find the mean, and a subprogram to output the result.

Sure, here is the step-by-step guide to accomplish this task:

Step 1: Create a subprogram to input the numbers. Let's name it "input_numbers".

Step 2: Within the "input_numbers" subprogram, create an empty list or array to store the numbers.

Step 3: Start a loop that continues until the user enters 0 as the input.

Step 4: Inside the loop, prompt the user to enter a positive number and read the input.

Step 5: Check if the number entered is positive. If it is, append it to the list or array created in step 2. If it is not positive, prompt the user to enter a positive number again.

Step 6: Once the loop terminates (when the user enters 0), return the list or array of numbers.

Step 7: Create a function to find the mean of the numbers. Let's name it "find_mean" and pass the list or array of numbers from step 6 as input.

Step 8: Calculate the sum of all the numbers in the list or array using a loop.

Step 9: Divide the sum by the length of the list or array to get the mean.

Step 10: Return the mean.

Step 11: Create a subprogram to output the result. Let's name it "output_result".

Step 12: Call the "input_numbers" subprogram from step 1 and store the returned list or array in a variable.

Step 13: Call the "find_mean" function from step 7 and pass the list or array obtained in step 12 as input.

Step 14: Print the result obtained from the "find_mean" function in a user-friendly format.

And that's it! You have successfully implemented the task of inputting a list of positive numbers, finding the mean, and outputting the result using subprograms and a function.

To solve this task, you can follow these steps:

1. Define a subprogram to input the list of positive numbers terminated by 0 into an array. Let's call this subprogram "input_numbers". Here's an example implementation in Python:

def input_numbers():
numbers = []
num = int(input("Enter a positive number (enter 0 to terminate): "))
while num != 0:
num = int(input("Enter a positive number (enter 0 to terminate): "))
return numbers

This code repeatedly prompts the user to enter a positive number until they enter 0, and stores each number in an array called "numbers". Finally, it returns the populated array.

2. Define a function to find the mean (average) of the numbers in the array. Let's call this function "calculate_mean". Here's an example implementation in Python:

def calculate_mean(numbers):
total = sum(numbers)
mean = total / len(numbers)
return mean

This code calculates the sum of all the numbers in the array using the built-in `sum()` function and divides it by the count of numbers in the array (`len(numbers)`) to find the mean.

3. Define a subprogram to output the mean. Let's call this subprogram "output_result". Here's an example implementation in Python:

def output_result(mean):
print("The mean of the numbers is:", mean)

This code simply prints the mean value.

4. Finally, you can combine these subprograms/functions and use them in your main program like this:

numbers = input_numbers()
mean = calculate_mean(numbers)

This code calls the `input_numbers()` subprogram to get the list of positive numbers terminated by 0, then passes the resulting array to the `calculate_mean()` function to calculate the mean, and finally, calls the `output_result()` subprogram to print the mean value.

By following these steps, you should be able to input a list of positive numbers, find the mean, and output the result using subprograms/functions.