4.The patient is a 42-year-old male with a history of left shoulder osteomyelitis with resistant pseudomonas from an injury he sustained approximately 20 years ago.

pls help me with all the prepositions & conjuctions in the above sentence.

The sentence has no conjunctions.

Check this list of prepositions.


2.He suffered an injury to his knee, and this is causing him pain and discomfort.

I hope verb are suffered, is causing.

am i correct if not pls correct me

Your verbs are correct.

In the given sentence, there are three prepositions and one conjunction.

1. "With" is a preposition in the phrase "with a history of left shoulder osteomyelitis." It is used to indicate association or possession.
2. "Of" is a preposition in the phrase "of left shoulder osteomyelitis." It is used to indicate belonging or connection.
3. "From" is a preposition in the phrase "from an injury he sustained." It is used to indicate the origin or source.
4. "And" is a conjunction in the phrase "with resistant pseudomonas and an injury he sustained." It is used to join two ideas or clauses.

Remember, prepositions are words that show relationships between nouns, pronouns, or phrases to other words in a sentence. Conjunctions, on the other hand, are used to connect words, phrases, or clauses together.