Feedback is most effective in improving performance when it

A) is specific.
B) is accepted by the employee.
C) defines clear goals for future performance.
D) All of these.

D) All of these.

Is my answer correct

The correct answer is D) All of these.

To understand why, let's break down each option:
A) Feedback that is specific is more helpful because it provides detailed information about areas that need improvement. Vague feedback is often not actionable and can leave employees unsure of how to improve.
B) Acceptance of feedback by the employee is crucial because if they are resistant or defensive, they might not be open to making the necessary changes. It is important to create an environment where employees feel comfortable receiving and processing feedback.
C) Clear goals for future performance are essential because they give employees a clear direction on what they need to work on or change. By setting achievable goals, employees can focus on specific areas of improvement and track their progress.
By combining these three elements - specific feedback, acceptance by the employee, and clear goals for future performance - feedback becomes more effective in improving performance.