which has a greater entropy: 300mL of hydrogen gas or 300mL of liquid hydrogen ?

The gas.

gas because. it is more random

To determine which has a greater entropy, we need to consider the state of the substances and their molecular arrangements.

Entropy is a measure of the randomness or disorder within a system. In general, a substance in a gaseous state has higher entropy compared to the same substance in a liquid state. This is because in the gas phase, the molecules are more spread out and have more freedom of movement compared to the more ordered arrangement in the liquid phase.

So, in this case, 300mL of hydrogen gas will generally have a higher entropy compared to 300mL of liquid hydrogen, assuming they are at the same temperature and pressure.

To calculate the exact entropy values, we need to use thermodynamic equations and properties. The specific entropy values for both gaseous and liquid hydrogen can be obtained from thermodynamic tables or using mathematical equations that consider the temperature, pressure, and molecular properties of the substance.

Keep in mind that these calculations can become quite complex, so it is recommended to refer to thermodynamic references or consult with experts in the field for precise entropy values.