sarah brought a computer for £330000

each year the computer depreciated by 20%

what is the value 2 years after he bought it ?

330000 * 0.2 = 66000

330000 - 66000 = 264000

264000 * 0.2 = 52800
264000 - 52800 = 211200

thank you very much Ms. Sue for your help :) :)

You're very welcome, Holly. :-)

To find the value of the computer 2 years after Sarah bought it, we need to calculate the depreciation each year.

Step 1: Calculate the depreciation for the first year.
The depreciation for the first year is given as 20% of the initial value (£330,000).
Depreciation = (20/100) * £330,000 = £66,000
Value after the first year = Initial value - Depreciation = £330,000 - £66,000 = £264,000

Step 2: Calculate the depreciation for the second year.
The depreciation for the second year will also be 20% of the value after the first year (£264,000).
Depreciation = (20/100) * £264,000 = £52,800
Value after the second year = Value after the first year - Depreciation = £264,000 - £52,800 = £211,200

Therefore, the value of the computer 2 years after Sarah bought it is £211,200.