how to narrow down a topic about the Egyptian Revolution of 25 January for an argumentative essay??

I would focus and research the angle of what will happen in the long run, now that Mubarak is gone.

~ Will the people of Egypt be able to come together and determine their own form of government?

~ Will a well organized group come in and take over?

~ Will the military continue to be powerful?

Read widely and take good notes.

To narrow down a topic about the Egyptian Revolution of 25 January for an argumentative essay, you can follow these steps:

1. Understand the Egyptian Revolution: Begin by familiarizing yourself with the background and key events of the Egyptian Revolution of 25 January. This will give you a broad understanding of the topic.

2. Brainstorm: Start by brainstorming a list of specific aspects or issues related to the revolution that you find interesting. For example, you could consider examining the causes of the revolution, the role of social media in mobilizations, the impact on human rights, the economic consequences, or the political aftermath.

3. Choose a specific aspect: From your brainstormed list, select one aspect that you are most passionate about or that you believe has enough available information for research. It's important to select a topic that is specific enough to be argued effectively within the confines of an essay.

4. Formulate a research question: Once you have selected a specific aspect, formulate a clear and concise research question that will guide your argumentative essay. For example, if you chose the role of social media in mobilizations, your research question could be, "To what extent did social media platforms, such as Facebook and Twitter, contribute to the success of the Egyptian Revolution?"

5. Conduct research: Start gathering relevant information from credible sources such as academic journals, books, and reputable news outlets. This will help you build a foundation of evidence to support your argument.

6. Analyze the information: Once you have collected enough information, critically analyze and evaluate it to determine which points are most compelling and support your argument. Look for patterns, themes, and conflicting viewpoints that will enrich your argumentative essay.

7. Refine your argument: Based on your research, develop a strong argument that takes a clear stance on your chosen aspect of the Egyptian Revolution. Ensure that your argument is specific, logical, and supported by evidence.

Remember to cite your sources properly and structure your essay in an organized manner. By following these steps, you can effectively narrow down your topic and construct a well-reasoned argumentative essay about the Egyptian Revolution of 25 January.