solve the following.

1) x^3+3y^3+x+2y

nothing to solve here, you don't have an equation.

Did you mean to factor it ?
I don't see any kind of factoring that might work for this one.

This is nt a questn

To solve the given expression: x^3 + 3y^3 + x + 2y

1) This expression cannot be solved like an equation since it does not contain an equals (=) sign. However, we can simplify the expression or factor it if that's what you are looking for.

We notice that the terms x^3 and x have x as a common factor. Similarly, the terms 3y^3 and 2y have y as a common factor.

So, we can factor out the common factors:

x^3 + 3y^3 + x + 2y = x(x^2 + 1) + y(3y^2 + 2)

Therefore, the factored form of the given expression is x(x^2 + 1) + y(3y^2 + 2).