Two institution/community that are involved in supporting or giving redress to teenage pregnancy

Two institutions or communities that are involved in supporting or giving redress to teenage pregnancy are:

1. Healthcare Institutions or Services: Healthcare institutions such as hospitals, clinics, and specialized adolescent health centers play a crucial role in supporting and providing redress to teenage pregnancy. They offer various services, including medical care, counseling, educational programs, and access to contraceptives. They provide a safe environment where teenagers can receive confidential and comprehensive healthcare, including prenatal care, postnatal care, and family planning services.

To find healthcare institutions or services that support and give redress to teenage pregnancy, you can:
- Consult your local public health department or family planning clinics.
- Visit websites of reputable hospitals or community health centers in your area.
- Seek recommendations from trusted healthcare professionals or organizations specializing in adolescent health.

2. Non-governmental Organizations (NGOs): Numerous non-governmental organizations globally focus on addressing teenage pregnancy and providing support to affected teenagers. These organizations often offer counseling, education, advocacy, skill-building programs, and access to resources that help young parents navigate the challenges of teenage pregnancy. NGOs also work towards creating awareness, eradicating stigma, and promoting effective prevention strategies.

To find NGOs involved in supporting or giving redress to teenage pregnancy, you can:
- Research online using search engines or directories specific to your country or region.
- Utilize databases of international organizations like the United Nations or World Health Organization, as they often list NGOs addressing teenage pregnancy.
- Contact local youth centers, community centers, or social service agencies for referrals or information about relevant NGOs.

Remember, the availability and specific organizations involved may vary depending on your location. It is recommended to reach out to local resources for the most relevant and up-to-date information.