Molybdenum (Mo) has a density of 10.22 g/cm3 and it crystalizes into a fcc unit cell, calculate the radius of a (Mo) atom?

The crystal structure according to webelements is a body centered cubic.

To calculate the radius of a (Mo) atom, we can use the formula:

Radius of atom (r) = [(3 x Volume of unit cell) / (4 x π x Number of atoms per unit cell)]^(1/3)

First, we need to determine the volume of the unit cell.

In a face-centered cubic (fcc) unit cell, there are 4 atoms at the corners and 1 atom at the center of each face. So, the total number of atoms per unit cell is 4 + 1/2 = 4.5 atoms.

Now, we need to determine the volume of the unit cell. Since Molybdenum is an element that crystallizes into a fcc structure, the unit cell is a cube with atoms at each corner and one at the center of each face.

The volume of the unit cell (V) can be calculated using the formula:

Volume of unit cell = (edge length)^3

To find the edge length, we can use the concept that the diagonal of a face-centered cubic unit cell is equal to four times the radius of the atom (diagonal = 4r).

So, we have:

diagonal of unit cell = 4r
diagonal of unit cell = edge length * √2

Equating the two expressions and solving for edge length:

4r = edge length * √2

edge length = (4r) / √2

Now, substitute the value of the edge length into the volume formula:

Volume of unit cell = [(4r) / √2]^3

Finally, substitute the values into the formula for the radius:

Radius of atom (r) = [(3 x Volume of unit cell) / (4 x π x Number of atoms per unit cell)]^(1/3)

Radius of (Mo) atom = [(3 x [(4r) / √2]^3) / (4 x π x 4.5)]^(1/3)

Now, you can substitute the values and perform the calculations to determine the radius of a (Mo) atom.