3. Which of the following situations is a cultural influence on behavior?

A. Mia is expected to baby-sit for her cousin as a family duty.
B. Joseph can't get his driver's license until he is 18 years old.
C. Maria has an earlier curfew than her older sister.
D. Michelle's family is on welfare.
Is C a correct answer.

Sara -- Why did you post this question again?

You had a different answer before -- and I told you it was correct.

Please don't waste our time with duplicate posts!


Yes, option C is a correct answer because it demonstrates a cultural influence on behavior. In this situation, Maria having an earlier curfew than her older sister indicates that there are cultural norms or expectations within her family regarding appropriate behaviors and responsibilities based on age and gender. This implies that cultural values and beliefs are influencing the family's rules and guidelines for behavior.

To determine if option C is the correct answer, you can analyze the other options as well:

- Option A (Mia is expected to baby-sit for her cousin as a family duty) suggests a familial responsibility, but it does not explicitly mention cultural influences. It could be a result of cultural expectations, but it is not as directly tied to culture as option C.
- Option B (Joseph can't get his driver's license until he is 18 years old) indicates a legal requirement based on age, rather than a cultural influence.
- Option D (Michelle's family is on welfare) describes a socioeconomic situation rather than a cultural influence on behavior.

By comparing these options, it becomes clear that option C is the most directly related to cultural influences on behavior.