WHAT IS 2/6 OF $60

what is 60 divided by six, that multiply that by 2


To find 2/6 of $60, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Determine the fraction representation of 2/6. Since 2 is the numerator and 6 is the denominator, the fraction is 2/6.

Step 2: Divide the numerator (2) by the denominator (6) to find the value of the fraction. In this case, 2 divided by 6 equals 1/3.

Step 3: Multiply the value of the fraction (1/3) by the given amount ($60). To do this, you multiply the numerator (1) by the amount ($60) and then divide by the denominator (3).

Calculation: (1/3) * ($60) = (1 * $60) / 3 = $60 / 3 = $20

Therefore, 2/6 of $60 is $20.