Find m<2

m<2 is 9x - 32

To find m<2, we need to look at the equation 9x - 32.

In this case, m<2 represents an angle. The equation 9x - 32 likely represents the measure of that angle.

To solve for m<2, we need to isolate x. Let's go through the steps:

1. Add 32 to both sides of the equation:
9x - 32 + 32 = 9x
-32 + 32 cancels out, so we are left with:
9x = 9x

2. Divide both sides of the equation by 9:
(9x) / 9 = (9x) / 9
x = x

Since we cannot determine a specific value for x, we cannot determine the exact measure of m<2. However, we know that m<2 is equal to 9x - 32, where x can be any real number.