Can you please check these two sentences, please? Thank you

1) Nature ceased to be considered as a philosophical entity (concept?). It came to be felt as a real living being (real and living being) and to be described as it actually was.
2) The Romantics were concerned about the expierence of childhood.

1. Remove the first "as" and delete all in parentheses.

2. spelling ~~> experience (but make it plural: experiences)

can you help me find a predicate to this sentence?The chicken in the barnyard .

Sure, I can check those sentences for you. Here are the corrected versions:

1) Nature ceased to be considered as a philosophical entity. It began to be perceived as a real, living being and was described as such.
2) The Romantics were concerned with the experience of childhood.

When checking sentences, it's important to review grammar, clarity, and coherence. In this case, I made a few adjustments to improve clarity and accuracy. However, it's always helpful to provide some context along with the sentences to ensure a more accurate correction.