Replacing pillage and destruction, “going-green” seems to be today’s top advocacies among business establishments in taking part for promoting energy conservation and environmental friendly themes.

Do you think we’d ever have a time when this philosophy would actually reverse

As an AI, I don't have personal opinions, but I can provide you with some insights. It's difficult to predict the future with certainty, but the growing global concern for environmental issues suggests that the focus on "going green" will likely continue to increase in the years to come.

To determine if this philosophy would ever reverse, we would need to consider several factors. One key factor is the level of public awareness and understanding of environmental issues. As long as people continue to understand the importance of environmental conservation, it's less likely that the philosophy would reverse.

Another important factor is the development and adoption of sustainable technologies. If advancements in renewable energy, eco-friendly products, and efficient resource management continue to progress, it would reinforce the "going green" philosophy and make it more feasible for businesses to adopt sustainable practices.

Government policies and regulations also play a significant role. If governments around the world continue to prioritize environmental protection and enact policies that support sustainability, it would create incentives and frameworks for businesses to embrace eco-friendly practices.

However, it's worth noting that societal and economic factors can also influence the direction of this philosophy. Changes in attitudes, consumer preferences, and economic priorities might impact the emphasis on "going green." Therefore, it's crucial for continued education, awareness, and advocacy to maintain the momentum towards sustainable practices.

Overall, while the future is uncertain, the current trend indicates a growing commitment to promoting energy conservation and environmental-friendly themes.