We just started learning about Reflexive Verbs. And We learned how they are supposed to be in the Past tense, but our focus right now is only on the Present tense. And for the present tense I am wondering whether I need agreement or not? Cause I believe agreement is only added in the Passe compose. And I don't need to conjugate with etre either, cause that's for the passe compose too. So I don't need a helping verb for the present tense?


Mon Horaire
(Basically I'm just telling about my morning routine) I have to conjgate in the present tense.

1. Je me réveille à 6h20.

2. Je me lève à 6h30.

3. Je me lave à 6h35.

4. Je me brosse les dents à 6h45

5. Je m'habille à 6h50.

6. Je mange le petit déjeuner à 7h00.

7. Je regarde la télé à 7h15.

8. Je vais à l'école à 8h00.

9. Je rentre à la maison à 3h00.

10. J'étudie à 4h00.

11. Je me déshabille à 8h00.

12. Je me couche à 8h30.

It looks like a good but busy day!

Just in case you might like a list of common Reflexive Verbs:

s'amuser = to enjoy oneself, have a good time
s'appeler = to be called/named
s'arrêter = to stop
s'asseoir = to sit (down)
se battre = to fight
se blesser = to hurt oneself, get hurt
se brosser = to brush oneself
se coucher = to lie down, go to bed, set
se dépêcher = to to hurry
se déshabiller = to get undressed
s'en aller = to go away
s'endormir = to fall asleep
s'ennuyer = to get bored
se fâcher = to get angry
s'habiller = to dress (oneself), get    dressed
se laver = to wash (oneself), get washed
se lever = to get up, rise
se marier = to marry, get married
se passer = to happen
se plaindre = to complain
se porter = to feel (of health)
se promener = to take a walk
se rappeler = to recall, remember
se raser = to shave (oneself)
se reposer = to rest
se réveiller = to wake up
se sentir = to feel
se souvenir de = to remember
se taire = to be silent, keep quiet
se tromper = to be mistaken, make a    mistake
se trouver = to be, be situated/found

These verbs may also be used nonreflexively and then the meaning changes.

Reflexive Verbs are used in the Présent de l'Indicatif, l'Imparfait de l'Indicatif, le Passé Simple, le Futur, le Conditionnel Présent, le Présent du Subjonctif and l'Imparfait du Subjunctif. Don't forget l'Impératif (then the reflexive pronuns follow the verb and are connected to it with a hyphen in the affirmative imperative, te changing to toi. Yes, être is the helping verb/auxiliary in compound tenses: Passé Composé, Plus-que-parfait de l'Indicatif, Le Passé Antérieur, Le Futur Antéreieur, Le Conditionnel Passé, Le passé du Suibjonctif and Le Plus-que-parfait du Subjonctif.
(there are 7 "simple" tenses and 7 "compound" tenses

Sra (aka Mme)

6. Je mange le petit déjeuner à 7h00.

I would say : JE PRENDS le petit déjeuner...
11 Je me désabille à 8h00
I would say : Je me CHANGE à 8h00.

In the present tense, reflexive verbs in French do not require agreement. The agreement is only necessary in the past tense (passé composé), where the past participle agrees with the subject in gender and number.

You are correct that reflexive verbs in the present tense do not require the auxiliary verb "être" (to be) for conjugation. The reflexive pronoun "se" (or "me", "te", "nous", "vous", "se" depending on the subject) is used before the verb to indicate that the subject is performing the action on themselves.

In your exercise, you have correctly conjugated the reflexive verbs in the present tense. Here are the correct conjugations:

1. Je me réveille à 6h20. (I wake up at 6:20)
2. Je me lève à 6h30. (I get up at 6:30)
3. Je me lave à 6h35. (I wash myself at 6:35)
4. Je me brosse les dents à 6h45. (I brush my teeth at 6:45)
5. Je m'habille à 6h50. (I get dressed at 6:50)
6. Je mange le petit-déjeuner à 7h00. (I have breakfast at 7:00)
7. Je regarde la télé à 7h15. (I watch TV at 7:15)
8. Je vais à l'école à 8h00. (I go to school at 8:00)
9. Je rentre à la maison à 3h00. (I come back home at 3:00)
10. J'étudie à 4h00. (I study at 4:00)
11. Je me déshabille à 8h00. (I undress at 8:00)
12. Je me couche à 8h30. (I go to bed at 8:30)

Keep in mind that when conjugating reflexive verbs in the present tense, the pronoun "me" changes to "te", "se" or "nous", "vous", "se" depending on the subject. So make sure to use the correct reflexive pronoun for each subject.