What is good and bad e-mail etiquette


Read widely and take good notes.

Good email etiquette refers to a set of guidelines that govern how you should conduct yourself when sending and receiving emails. Following proper email etiquette demonstrates professionalism, courtesy, and effective communication skills. On the other hand, bad email etiquette can be off-putting, unprofessional, and could negatively impact your relationships and reputation. Here are some tips to follow for good email etiquette:

1. Use a clear and concise subject line: Your subject line should accurately summarize the content of the email to help the recipient prioritize and understand its importance.

2. Use a professional email address: Your email address should be simple, professional, and easy to identify. Avoid using funky or unprofessional email addresses.

3. Use a professional greeting: Address the recipient by their appropriate title and name (e.g., "Dear Mr./Ms. LastName"). If you're not sure about their preference, use a generic greeting like "Dear [First Name]."

4. Keep it brief and organized: Get to the point quickly and avoid rambling. Use short paragraphs, bullet points, or numbered lists to make your message easier to read and comprehend.

5. Be mindful of your tone and language: Use a polite and friendly tone in your emails to ensure a positive and professional communication. Avoid using slang, jargon, or offensive language.

6. Proofread before sending: Review your email for any grammatical or spelling errors. Read it aloud to ensure clarity and coherence. You can also use spelling and grammar checkers to assist you.

7. Respond in a timely manner: Aim to reply to emails promptly, even if it's just a brief acknowledgment. If you need more time to respond, inform the sender and provide an estimated date for your reply.

8. Avoid using excessive formatting: Stick to a simple and professional email format. Avoid using excessive colors, fonts, or decorative elements that could distract from the content.

9. Use proper email signature: Include a concise and informative email signature that includes your name, job title, contact information, and any necessary disclaimers.

10. Use caution with reply-all and forwarding: Be thoughtful when using the reply-all and forward functions. Make sure the recipients truly need to see the email.

Overall, practicing good email etiquette promotes effective communication, helps to avoid misunderstandings, and builds positive professional relationships.