So I basically don't understand the exercise below.

Outcome: Absolute Discharge

Possible Effects for Macdonald

- ??????

The only one I sort of get/maybe is the execution one.

Outcome: Execution

-Metis----> Upset

Outcome: Execution

Possible effect for Macdonald
-Metis are angry

Please I need help understanding what to do.

Please see my response to your last post.

Sure, I can help you understand the exercise. It seems like you're provided with two outcomes: "Absolute Discharge" and "Execution," and you're asked to list the possible effects for Macdonald under the "Absolute Discharge" outcome.

To better understand the exercise, let's break it down step by step:

1. Absolute Discharge:
This outcome suggests that Macdonald is discharged without any conditions or penalties. In other words, there are no legal consequences or further actions against Macdonald.

Now, the exercise asks you to list the possible effects for Macdonald under the "Absolute Discharge" outcome. Since the provided information is incomplete and lacks context, it's challenging to determine the specific effects. However, I can provide you with an example to illustrate how to approach this exercise:


Possible Effects for Macdonald under the "Absolute Discharge" Outcome:

1. Reinstatement of Reputation:
Macdonald's reputation might be protected if they were initially accused of a crime or involved in a legal matter. The absolute discharge means that no convictions or penalties are imposed, which could help preserve Macdonald's reputation.

2. Legal Record:
Macdonald's legal record may not reflect any criminal charges or convictions related to the specific case. Since absolute discharge does not impose any penalties, Macdonald's legal record might remain clean.

3. Employment Opportunities:
Macdonald's chances of finding employment might be positively affected since their legal record won't reveal any criminal involvement or convictions related to the specific case.

Remember, the above effects are speculative, and the actual effects for Macdonald would depend on the specific context and information related to the case.

As for the "Execution" outcome and the mention of "Metis" and "Upset," it appears to be unrelated to the main exercise about absolute discharge. Without further context, it's difficult to understand how it relates to the exercise. If you can provide more information or clarify the connection, I'll be happy to assist you further.